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Rachel Rall, Attorney at Law, P.A. - Jacksonville, FL

1723 Blanding Blvd.Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32210

Updated: 03/06/2020

Jacksonville Family Law Firm



Office Information


1723 Blanding Blvd.Suite 101 Jacksonville, FL 32210

Office Hours

9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday. After hours available by appointment only.


  • (904) 683-6438

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By Anonymous on May. 04, 2019

1.0 out of 5 stars

What a mistake I made hiring Mrs. Rachel Rall. Prior to hiring, she talked very professional, as if I was a close friend. Once I signed her contract and put a down payment on my acct. Rachel failed to keep me informed about my case throughout my seven months. Unanswered email questions, unanswered voicemails, minimum returned calls from her even when I left messages with her assistant. Going through my divorce was depressing enough, but to hire an attorney who made me feel that my case was not important enough that I deserve feedback when I had questions/concerns was devastating. It should not matter how big or small a case is, every case and client deserves the same respect and professionalism as any client being represented. To learn that my attorney was closing her practice one month before mediation was disappointing and I felt that was something that she should have shared with me before taking my money. I had never heard of a QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order), but to be told by my lawyer one month before mediation that I need to have one done, and to learn that that is a separate expense, was a slap in the face . I felt that she took advantage of me, because after my google search and understanding about QDRO's, I realize that I could have hired a lawyer who would have processed it during the course of my Divorce. She knew that there was a Pension and 401K included with my divorce and a QDRO is something she should have explained prior to accepting my case. Dealing with attorney Rall became a nightmare and I felt that since she was closing her practice, she was trying to hurry her case load and I fell into her trap because she never put towards the effort ensuring that I got the most from my settlement even at mediation. Despite of her poor service concerning my case in her heart I feel that she knows that she did not put up her best performance representing me. In my divorce decree I never waived my consent to appear for the final judgement hearing ending my divorce. Just because she did not want to appear with me she had the mediator put in the decree that I waived it. Throughout this divorce I felt that she was manipulating and tried to undermine any thing that I said or disagreed with that was not appeasing for her. Like I told her in my certified letter regarding my feelings about how she handled my case; Every case no matter the extent of a case, deserves to be handled with respect and professionalism until the end. No one or their case deserves to be taken for granted. I'm a truly believer that God knows our hearts and knows when each of his children mean well. We may think that we are getting away with something, but some of us fail to stop and realize that when God is in control, he is not going to allow us to walk over his children. God have a way of exposing our wrongs. I may not have a degree in Law, but I do know one thing, that I'm a child of God, I'm not perfect but my heart is pure... and I would never intentionally show a lack of disrespect for anyone, including my clients and children that I serve.

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Consider the following:

Comfort Level
- Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?

- How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?

- How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?

- Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?

Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?

Here are a few to get you started:

  • How long have you been in practice?
  • How many cases like mine have you handled?
  • How often do you settle cases out of court?
  • What are your fees and costs?
  • What are the next steps?

Want to check lawyer discipline?

It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:

  • Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
  • Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
  • Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.

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